
GET api/ManageUser/{email}/Details

Ussed to fetch details of user for email ID

POST api/ManageUser/New

Create a new user account in the portal

POST api/ManageUser/{email}/Unlock

Unlock a user account

PUT api/ManageUser/{email}/SecurityGroup

Enable/Disable Security Group for a user

PUT api/ManageUser/{email}/ActivationEmail

Resend user activation email

PUT api/ManageUser/{email}/ResetPassword

Send Reset Password email to user

PUT api/ManageUser/{email}/SocialMedia

Used to update social media settings of a user

GET api/ManageUser/UserList

Get list of Users to manage

POST api/User/Register

Create a new Client user account in the portal. For WorkPocket.

GET api/StaffLoginAuthO/{accessToken}

validate access token to Login for Randstad staff - AuthO


GET api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}

Used to fetch a candidate

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateDocument/{DocumentId}

Used to fetch a candidate supporting document

GET api/Candidates/Profile/{CandidateId}

Used to fetch a Candidate using CandidateId

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateName

Used to update candidate name

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateComment?Comment={Comment}

Used to add a candidate comment

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidatePersonalDetails

Used to update candidate personal details

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateAddress

Used to update candidate address (Postal and Residential)

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidatePreferences

Used to update candidate Preferences

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateQualifications

Used to update candidate Qualifications

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateSkills

Used to update candidate Skills

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateLanguage

Used to update candidate Language

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateLicence

Used to update candidate Licences

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateWorkExperience

Used to update candidate Work Experience

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateIndustry

Used to update candidate Industries

PUT api/Candidates/Profile/{CandidateId}/CandidateProfile

Used to update Candidate

POST api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/CandidateResumes

Used to add candidate Resume

POST api/Candidates/Profile

Used to Add Candidate.

POST api/Candidates/Profile/{CandidateId}/Applicant

Used to Add Candiate as JobApplicant.

POST api/Candidates/HackerTrailContent

Used to insert json and document content in control table

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/TaxDocuments/{TaxDocumentNo}/AuditLog

Used to Get all the Audit log of the Tax Document

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/TaxDocuments/AuditLog

Used to Get all the Audit log of the Tax Documens on a candidate

POST api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/TaxDocuments/TaxeDocumentRequest

Used to send Tax eDocument request to the candidate

POST api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/TaxDocuments

Used to Upload the Tax Document recieved from the candidate

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/TaxDocuments/{TaxDocumentID}/Cancel?CancelReason={CancelReason}&IsNotificationAndResendRequired={IsNotificationAndResendRequired}

Used to cancel the Inprogress Tax Document

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateNo}/TaxDocuments/{TaxDocumentNo}

Used to get the Tax Document Details of Tax Document

PUT api/Candidates/{candidateId}/CandidateProperties

Updates the Candidate details (properties)

POST api/Candidates/{candidateNo}/LodgeTFN?ABNNo={ABNNo}

Lodges the TFN with ATO

POST api/Candidates/{candidateNo}/PreLodgeTFN?ABNNo={ABNNo}

PreLodges the TFN with ATO

GET api/Candidates/Profile/CheckDuplicateCandidate

100 Point check to check duplicate candidate. This is MFront CandidateId

POST api/Candidates/Profile/{CandidateId}/CandidateResume

Used to add candidate Resume

POST api/Candidates/Profile/{CandidateId}/CandidateCoverLetter

Used to add candidate Cover letter

GET api/Candidates/Profile/CandidateResume/{CandidateId}

Used to fetch a Candidate Default Resume using CandidateId

GET api/Candidates/Profile/CandidateLastUpdatedDate/{CandidateId}

Used to fetch a Candidate Default Resume using CandidateId

PUT api/Candidates/Profile/{CandidateId}/Applicant/{JobNo}/Exists

Used to Check if Candidate has already applied for Job.

GET api/Candidates/Profile/CandidateJobApplications/{CandidateId}

Used to fetch a Candidate Job Applications using CandidateId

POST api/Candidates/Search

Used to Get the List of Candidate data for Candidate Search.

POST api/Candidates/CVDistribution

Used to Get the CVDistribution data for Candidate Search.

POST api/Candidates/CustomizedQuery

Used to get the Customized result query for the Search query string.

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/RecentCommunications

Used to get Candidate RecentCommunications

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/Applications

Used to get Candidate Applications

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/LegalIdentifiers

Used to get Candidate LegalIdentifiers

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/WorkRights

Used to get Candidate WorkRights

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/BookingPlacements

Used to get Candidate WorkRights

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/WorkExperiences

Used to get Candidate WorkExperiences

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/WorkExperiences/{SearchType}

Used to get Candidate WorkExperiences

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/RequirementProfile

Used to get Candidate RequirementProfile

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/LensRequirementProfile

Used to get Candidate RequirementProfile

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/Skills

Used to get Candidate Skills

GET api/Candidates/Search/{CandidateId}

Used to get Candidate

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/DefaultResume

Used to fetch a Candidate Default Resume using CandidateId

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/ResumeSummary

Used to fetch a Candidate resume summary using CandidateId

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/ResumePlainText

Used to fetch a Candidate resume PlainText using CandidateId

PUT api/Candidates/{CandidateId}/PhoneCall

Used to Add Phone Call for Candidate.

GET api/Candidates/StaticList/{Filter}

Used to fetch a Candidate Static List with Filter

GET api/Candidates/StaticList

Used to fetch a Candidate Static List with Filter

GET api/Candidates/Search/MasterLists/{MasterListName}

Used to fetch a Search SystemList List without Filter...

POST api/Candidates/Search/MasterLists/{MasterListName}

Used to fetch a Search SystemList List with Filter...

POST api/Candidates/Search/MasterLists/{MasterListName}/JSON

Used to fetch a Search SystemList List with Filter...

POST api/Candidates/Search/PostMetric

Used to send metric to Sumo

POST api/Candidates/StaticList

Used to add candidates to an existing or new static list

POST api/Candidates/Applicants

Used to add candidates to an existing order

POST api/Candidates/SearchCriteria

This is used to Add the SearchCriteria

PUT api/Candidates/SearchCriteria

This is used to save the SearchCriteria

GET api/Candidates/SearchCriteria

This is used to get the SearchCriteriaList

GET api/Candidates/SearchCriteria/{SearchCriteriaId}

This is used to get the SearchCriteria

DELETE api/Candidates/SearchCriteria

This is used to delete multiple SearchCriteria

DELETE api/Candidates/SearchCriteria/{SearchCriteriaId}

This is used to delete the SearchCriteria

POST api/Candidates/SearchCriteria/{SearchCriteriaId}/Share

This is used the share the searchcrietria with other users.

POST api/Candidates/Email

Used to send an email to one or more candidates

POST api/Candidates/SMS

Used to send an SMS to one or more candidates

GET api/Candidates/GetFlareHRBenefitsUrl

Check whether candidate have access to flareHR Benefits

GET api/Candidates/GetFlareHRSuperChoiceURLForCandidate

Check whether candidate have access to flareHR Super choice

GET api/Candidates/UpdateEmployeeSuperFundMembershipDetails

Update candidate Super choice details

GET api/Candidates/GetEmployeeFundMembershipHistory

Get Employee Super Fund History

GET api/Candidates/GetEmployeeeTFNStatus

Get Employee eTFN Status

GET api/Candidates/IsPAYGCandidateAndSuperChoiceNotExist

Checks is candidate tax status is PAYG and Superchoice not exist

GET api/Candidates/{CandidateCode}/Referee/{RefereeId}/User/{PersonalityId}

This is used to get candidate and referee details

POST api/Candidates/{CandidateCode}/VerbalReferenceCheck

This is used to add candidate verbal reference check

POST api/Candidates/{CandidateCode}/GenerateReferenceCheckDocument

This is used to generate candidate reference check document


POST api/Events

Logs Events using Evently


GET api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}

Gets the timesheet details for a single timesheet by external user

PUT api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/TimesheetApproval

No documentation available.

GET api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/EstimatedCharges

No documentation available.

GET api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/attachments

Gets the timesheet Attachments for a single timesheet

DELETE api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/attachments/{attachmentId}

Delete the timesheet Attachments for a single timesheet

PUT api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/CostCentre

update the timesheet Cost Centre for a single timesheet

PUT api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/CostCode

update the timesheet Cost Code for a single timesheet

PUT api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/PurchaseOrder

update the timesheet Purchase Order for a single timesheet

PUT api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/ProductCode

update the timesheet Product Code for a single timesheet

GET api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/attachments/{attachmentId}

Used to get a Timesheet Attachment file temp Url

GET api/TimesheetExternal/{authCode}/AppliedLeavesDetails?appliedLeavesParams={appliedLeavesParams}

No documentation available.


GET api/DSM/Candidate/{CandidateCode}

Used to fetch a Candidate

GET api/DSM/CandidateAvailabilityByClient/{ClientCode}?status={status}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Candidate

Used to fetch Candidate information by using email

POST api/DSM/SearchProfile

Used to configure DSM SearchProfile

PUT api/DSM/SearchProfile

Used to update DSM SearchProfile

POST api/DSM/SearchProfile/WorkOrder/{WorkOrderCode}

Used to add/update the search profile and link to work order

GET api/DSM/SearchProfile

Used to fetch a list of SearchProfile configuration

GET api/DSM/SearchProfile/{SearchProfileCode}

Used to fetch a SearchProfile configuration

GET api/DSM/SearchProfile/WorkOrder/{WorkOrderCode}

Used to fetch a SearchProfile code by using WorkOrder code

PUT api/DSM/WorkOrder/{WorkOrderCode}/Publish/{SearchProfileCode}

Used to update DSM WorkOrder status to publish

PUT api/DSM/WorkOrder/{WorkOrderCode}/Unpublish

Used to unlink DSM WorkOrder with Stratos order

GET api/DSM/WorkOrder/{WorkOrderCode}/Publish

Used to obtain the publish flag of a WorkOrder

GET api/DSM/WorkOrder/{workOrderCode}

Used to get the WorkOrder data using WorkOrder code

POST api/DSM/ShiftRequest

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/ShiftRequest

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{ShiftRequestCode}/Publish

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{ShiftRequestCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Open?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Used to fetch shifts for Candidate

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Upcoming

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{shiftRequestCode}/ShiftPreference

Used to get ShiftPreferences

PUT api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{shiftRequestCode}/ShiftPreference

Used to update ShiftPreference

POST api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Open/{shiftRequestCode}/Replies

This is used to accept shift

POST api/DSM/CandidateFilter

Used to save Candidate filter in DSM

PUT api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{shiftRequestCode}/ManualFill

Used to update ShiftRequest to manual fill

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Filter/Roster

Used to get Roster filter in DSM

POST api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Filter/Roster

Used to save Roster filter in DSM

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Filter/Scheduler

No documentation available.

POST api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Filter/Scheduler

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{shiftRequestCode}/WorkTimes

Used to get shift work times

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{shiftRequestCode}/HasInProgressTimeSheet

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/Enable

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/Disable

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/ClientContact/{contactCode}/Enable

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/ClientContact/{contactCode}/Disable

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/WorkOrderTimesheetApprover

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/WorkOrderTimesheetApprover

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/ContactNStaff

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Client/WorkOrder/{worOrderCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/ClientContact/{contactCode}

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{shiftRequestCode}/AssignCandidate

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Client/User

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/TalentPool

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/WorkSite

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Client/{clientCode}?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/WorkOrder/Client/{clientCode}/User

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/WorkOrder/Client/{clientCode}

No documentation available.

POST api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/ShiftSetting

No documentation available.

POST api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/NotificationSetting

No documentation available.

POST api/DSM/Client/{clientCode}/TimesheetSetting

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/Client

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Client/List

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/ClientContact

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Auth/Permission?clientCode={clientCode}&permissionGroupCode={permissionGroupCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Auth/Roles

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Staff/{staffCode}

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/Staff

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/Staff/{staffCode}/Enable

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/Staff/{staffCode}/Disable

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/ShiftRequest/Publish

No documentation available.

DELETE api/DSM/ShiftRequest/{shiftRequestCode}/Delete

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/Audit/{entityType}/{entityCode}

No documentation available.

POST api/DSM/TimeSheet

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/TimeSheet/Client/{clientCode}?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/TimeSheet/{TimeSheetCode}

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/TimeSheet/{TimeSheetCode}

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/TimeSheet/{timeSheetCode}/Approve

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/TimeSheet/{timeSheetCode}/Unapprove

No documentation available.

GET api/DSM/WorkOrder/CurrentUserIsApprover

No documentation available.

POST api/DSM/TimeSheet/{timeSheetCode}/Event

No documentation available.

PUT api/DSM/TimeSheet/{timeSheetCode}/Discard

No documentation available.


GET api/Bookings

Used to fetch bookings for a logged in user

GET api/Bookings/{BookingNo}

Used to fetch a single booking for a logged in user

GET api/Bookings/{BookingNo}/PeriodEndDates

Used to fetch a list of (DateTime) PeriodEndDate for a booking for a logged in user

GET api/Bookings/{BookingNo}/Approvers

Fetch list of approvers for booking

GET api/Bookings/{BookingNo}/MaxWorkingTime

Get Max working time for the booking

GET api/Bookings/{BookingNo}/screenconfig

Used to fetch a screen config booking for a logged in user


GET api/TestError/{code}

Test Multiple Error Codes

POST api/AccountValidateToken?token={token}

Used to check if a token has not expired Note: this should only be used when an application needs to specifically check if token has expired (eg. when app has been in background and then is put in foreground state, need to specially check if token hasnt expired so unauthorised users cannot see data) Dont use this for each API request because valid tokens are already checked and updated

GET api/IsRandstadEmail?email={email}

Used for Checking if the Email provided is Possibly a Randstad APAC Internal Email. Does not check if the actual user exists. Just provides information if the email is considered internal to Randstad.

PUT api/AccountUpdatePassword

Used to update password for current auth code

POST api/StaffLogin

Login for Randstad staff

POST api/SocialLogin

Social Login for user through Facebook, Google etc.

POST api/CheckLinkSocial

Used for checking if current social profile is linked with a Randstad internal account

POST api/LinkSocial

Used for linking a validated social media account with Randstad's internal account

POST api/ChangeRole

Used for changing role of an already authenticated user

POST api/Impersonate

No documentation available.

POST api/Signout

Used for signing out user on logout

POST api/Impersonate/End

Used for ending current impersonation session

POST api/ForgotPassword

Used for handling forgotten password

POST api/ResetPassword

Used for resetting the user's password

PUT api/ChangeStatus

Used for changing the status of a user

PUT api/ActivateAccount

Used for activating a new user account

POST api/Account

Used to login and get a token which can be used for all requests in the API


GET api/MasterVendor/GetDataForClientAddOrder/{clientCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/GetSuppliersForClient/{clientCode}/{JobTitle}/{Location}

No documentation available.

POST api/MasterVendor/Order

Used for creating a new order

GET api/MasterVendor/FieldConfiguration/{clientCode}/{screenCode}

Used to fetch the timeline for a logged in user

POST api/MasterVendor/FieldConfiguration

API to store config fields

PUT api/MasterVendor/FieldConfiguration

Used to update field configuration

GET api/MasterVendor/GetOrderDetail/{OrderCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/GetSuppliersByOrderCode/{orderCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/OrderStatus/{orderCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/OrderHistory/{orderCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/Order/GetOrderApprovalShiftData/{orderRequestCode}

Get Order Shift Details

GET api/MasterVendor/Order/GetOrderApprovalData/{orderId}

Get Order Approval Details

PUT api/MasterVendor/OrderStatus

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/GetSuppliersForClientWithOrderCode/{clientCode}/{orderCode}/{location}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/GetApplicantsDetails/{orderCode}

Used to fetch the order applicant list

GET api/MasterVendor/GetOrderDocuments/{orderCode}

Get Order Documents

GET api/MasterVendor/GetDocument/{documentId}

Get Document

GET api/MasterVendor/GetClientSupplierMappingData/{clientCode}

Get Client Supplier Mappping data

POST api/MasterVendor/AddClientSupplierMapping

API to store Client Supplier Mapping

PUT api/MasterVendor/UpdateClientSupplierMapping

Used to update Client Supplier Mapping

DELETE api/MasterVendor/DeleteClientSupplierMapping/{Id}

Used to update Client Supplier Mapping

GET api/MasterVendor/GetCustomCodes/{clientCode}

Get Custom Codes

GET api/MasterVendor/GetOrderRequest/{orderCode}

Get Order Requests

POST api/MasterVendor/Applicant

Add Applicant VMS

POST api/MasterVendor/ComplianceDocument?candidateCode={candidateCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/ComplianceDocument?candidateCode={candidateCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/GetSupplierOrders

Get Orders

GET api/MasterVendor/GetApplicant/{name}/{orderCode}

Get Applicant

GET api/MasterVendor/GetAllClientsForUser

Get all clients for user

POST api/MasterVendor/Interview

@BaseMessageCode='RequestInterviewCandidate' or @BaseMessageCode='Record Client Contact Interview' Record Client Contact Interview: If FirstInterviewDate is null then SecondInterview and vice versa

POST api/MasterVendor/OrderApprovers/{orderCode}

Add order approvers

POST api/MasterVendor/AcceptOrderRequest/{orderCode}/{orderRequestCode}

Accept Order Request

GET api/MasterVendor/GetTier2Suppliers/{orderRequestCode}

Get Tier 2 Suppliers

POST api/MasterVendor/ReleaseRoleTotier2Suppliers/{orderCode}/{orderRequestCode}

Release role to tier 2 suppliers

GET api/MasterVendor/GetAllSuppliers

Get all Suppliers

GET api/MasterVendor/GetClientOrderApproverData/{clientCode}

No documentation available.

POST api/MasterVendor/ClientOrderApprovers/{clientCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/GetClientOrderSLAConfiguration/{clientCode}

Get Client SLA Configs

POST api/MasterVendor/AddClientOrderSLAMapping

API to store Client Order SLA Mapping

DELETE api/MasterVendor/DeleteClientOrderSLAMapping/{Id}

Used to delete Client Order SLA Mapping

GET api/MasterVendor/Order/GetVacancyApproval

No documentation available.

POST api/MasterVendor/ApproveVacancies

Bulk approve vacancies

POST api/MasterVendor/RejectVacancies

Bulk reject vacancies

POST api/MasterVendor/AddUpdateClientSettings

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/GetClientSettings/{clientCode}

No documentation available.

POST api/MasterVendor/RequestAddNewContact

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/Supplier/{supplierId}

No documentation available.

POST api/MasterVendor/AddSupplier

No documentation available.

POST api/MasterVendor/FillVacancy

No documentation available.

GET api/MasterVendor/Settings

No documentation available.


GET api/Timesheets?BookingNo={BookingNo}&searchType={searchType}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&rowFrom={rowFrom}&rowTo={rowTo}

Used to fetch the list of timesheets for a logged in user

GET api/Timesheets/{id}

Gets the timesheet details for a single timesheet, no image data returned with this call

POST api/Timesheets

Adds a timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/EmployeeComment

update the timesheet employee comment for a single timesheet

GET api/Timesheets/Bookings

Get Bookings for selecting during Timsheet creation

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/Header

update the timesheet header data for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/CostCentre

update the timesheet Cost Centre for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/CostCode

update the timesheet Cost Code for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/PurchaseOrder

update the timesheet Purchase Order for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/ProductCode

update the timesheet Product Code for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/TimesheetStatus?Status={Status}

update the timesheet status for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/TimesheetApproval

Approve/Reject by approver for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/TimesheetsApproval

Approve/Reject by approver for a multiple timesheets

GET api/Timesheets/{id}/shifts

Gets the timesheet shifts for a single timesheet

POST api/Timesheets/{id}/shifts

Adds the timesheet shift for a single timesheet

POST api/Timesheets/{id}/Multishifts

Deletes existing shifts, then adds a number of timesheet shifts for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/shifts

update the timesheet shift for a single timesheet

DELETE api/Timesheets/{id}/shifts/{shiftId}

Delete the timesheet shift for a single timesheet

GET api/Timesheets/{id}/expenses

Gets the timesheet Expenses for a single timesheet

POST api/Timesheets/{id}/expenses

Adds the timesheet Expense for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/expenses

update the timesheet Expense for a single timesheet

DELETE api/Timesheets/{id}/expenses/{expenseId}

Delete the timesheet Expense for a single timesheet

GET api/Timesheets/{id}/allowances

Gets the timesheet allowances for a single timesheet

POST api/Timesheets/{id}/allowances

Adds the timesheet Allowance for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/allowances

update the timesheet Allowance for a single timesheet

DELETE api/Timesheets/{id}/allowances/{allowanceId}

Delete the timesheet Allowance for a single timesheet

GET api/Timesheets/{id}/leaves

Gets the timesheet leaves for a single timesheet

POST api/Timesheets/{id}/leaves

Adds the timesheet Leave for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/leaves

update the timesheet Leave for a single timesheet

DELETE api/Timesheets/{id}/leaves/{leaveId}

Delete the timesheet Leave for a single timesheet

GET api/Timesheets/{id}/attachments

Gets the timesheet Attachments for a single timesheet

GET api/Timesheets/{id}/attachments/new

Gets the timesheet Attachments for a single timesheet with thumbnails using the Timesheet Number

POST api/Timesheets/{id}/attachments

Adds the timesheet Attachments for a single timesheet

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/attachments

update the timesheet Attachments for a single timesheet

DELETE api/Timesheets/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId}

Delete the timesheet Attachments for a single timesheet

GET api/Timesheets/{id}/attachmentBase64/{attachmentId}

Used to get a Timesheet Attachment Image in string

GET api/Timesheets/{id}/attachmentimages/{attachmentId}

Used to get a Timesheet Attachment Image in JPG

PUT api/Timesheets/{id}/SingleInterval

Update first date and last date for monthly timesheet as a single interval

GET api/MultiTimesheets

Get the MultiTimesheets Batch list

GET api/MultiTimesheets/{batchNumber}

Get MultiTimesheet by Batch number

GET api/MultiTimesheets/{batchNumber}/Bookings

Get MultiTimesheet Bookings by Period End Date

POST api/MultiTimesheets

API for creating new Multi Timesheet Batch

POST api/MultiTimesheets/Timesheets

API for creating Timesheets in MultiTimesheets

DELETE api/MultiTimesheets/{batchNumber}

Void MultiTimesheet by Batch number

POST api/MultiTimesheets/Product/Timesheets/{timesheetid}

Add list of Produt Summaries to Timesheet in MultiTimesheet Batch

PUT api/MultiTimesheets/Product/Timesheets/{timesheetid}/Comment

Update Approver Comment in Timesheet in MultiTimesheet Batch

PUT api/MultiTimesheets/{batchNumber}/Approve

Approve MultiTimesheet Batch by Client

PUT api/MultiTimesheets/{batchNumber}/Unlock

Unlock a MultiTimesheet batch

GET api/PublicHolidays?bookingNo={bookingNo}&fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}

Get public holidays based on booking number and period

GET api/Timesheets/{timesheetNumber}/EstimatedCharges

Gets the timesheet details for a single timesheet, no image data returned with this call

GET api/Timesheets/count?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Gets the timesheet count within Date range


GET api/RatesManagement/GetQuoteDetails/{quoteId}

Use to fetch Quote parameters

GET api/RatesManagement/GetRateQuoteItem/{quoteItemId}

Use to fetch Quote Item parameters

POST api/RatesManagement/GetAwardsAndServiceFeeDetailsForQuote/{quoteId}

Use to fetch Quote parameters

POST api/RatesManagement/CalculateRateSetItemSummaryData/{quoteId}/{serviceFeeValue}/{serviceFeeValueType}/{payRate}

Use to fetch Quote rate calculation

POST api/RatesManagement/AddRateQuote

Use to Add Quote rate

POST api/RatesManagement/UpdateRateQuote

Use to Update Quote rate

POST api/RatesManagement/AddRateQuoteItem

Use to Add Quote rate item

GET api/RatesManagement/GetQuoteItemsByQuoteId/{quoteId}

Use to fetch Quote items

POST api/RatesManagement/UpdateRateQuoteItem

Use to Update Quote rate item

DELETE api/RatesManagement/DeleteRateQuoteItem/{quoteItemId}

Use to Delete Quote item

DELETE api/RatesManagement/DeleteRateQuote/{quoteId}

Use to Delete Quote item

GET api/RatesManagement/AuditHistoryForRateQuote/{quoteId}

Use to fetch Quote history data

POST api/RatesManagement/AddExportQuoteAudit/{quoteId}

Use to Add Export Audit data for Quote

POST api/RatesManagement/ReCalculateRateSetItemSummaryDataForPayCode/{quoteId}/{serviceFeeValue}/{serviceFeeValueType}/{payRate}/{payCode}

Use to fetch Quote rate calculation for paycode

GET api/RatesManagement/GetQuotesPricingMatrixLink/{code}

Use to fetch Pricing Matrix Link for Quotes


GET api/Order

Used to fetch the timeline for a logged in user

GET api/Order/{id}/VacancyDetails/{clientAgencyId}

Fetch Vacancies for an Order

GET api/Order/{id}/Sites/{clientAgencyId}

Fetch Sites for an Order

GET api/Order/{ordercode}/Contacts

Fetch client contacts for an Order

POST api/Order/{id}/Vacancy

Used for creating a new vacancy for an order

PUT api/Order/{authCode}VacancyApproval

Approve/Reject by approver for OrderRequest

POST api/Order/{id}/Document

Upload file for a new vacancy. Note: Currently the document is stored at the order level only.

PUT api/Order/{id}/Vacancy/Cancel

Delete a Vacancy

POST api/Order

Used for creating a new order

PUT api/Order

Used for update existing order

DELETE api/Order

Used for close existing order

GET api/Order/AcceptedShift/{authCode}

From sms/email user can able see order vacancy detail by authcode

GET api/Order/VacancyShiftTimes/{id}

for temp order and selected multi day dispaly each vacancy times

GET api/Order/VacancyDetails/{orderLineItemId}

Used for getting vacancy details by OrderLineItemId

GET api/Order/Personality

Used for getting a consultant default order list

GET api/Order/{OrderCode}

Used for getting a consultant default order list

GET api/Order/Personality/{SearchFilter}

Used for getting a consultant default order list

GET api/Order/VacancyRequestReasons

Get Vacancy request reasons

GET api/Order/{id}/VacancyJobTitle

Get Vacancy request job titles

POST api/Order/{OrderCode}/DSM/{WorkOrderCode}/Link

No documentation available.

GET api/Order/{orderId}/ClientAgency/{clientAgencyId}/AddVacancy

This is used to get order details for add vacancy. This method was implemented based on GetVacanciesForOrder method but with additional DSM related details.

GET api/Order/Vacancy/Open?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

This is used to get list of open vacancies for client.

GET api/Order/Vacancy/Fill?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

This is used to get list of fill vacancies for client.

GET api/Order/Vacancy/Worktime?entityId={entityId}&entityType={entityType}

No documentation available.

GET api/Order/List

This is used to get list of order for client

GET api/Order/OrderRequest/{orderRequestId}/SourceCode/{sourceCode}

This is used to get order request external reference code

GET api/Order/Vacancy/OpenCount?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

This is used to get list of open vacancies for client.

PUT api/Order/{OrderCode}/DSM/{WorkOrderCode}/Unlink

This is used to unlink DSM work order with Stratos order.

PUT api/Order/DSM/ShiftRequest/{ShiftRequestCode}/Status/{Status}

This is used to update the stratos order request external status


GET api/Invoices

Used to fetch the list of invoices for a logged in user

GET api/Invoices/{id}

Used to get a Invoice file in PDF


GET api/Timeline

Used to fetch the timeline for a logged in user


GET api/MasterLists/{MasterList}/{Country}/{Filter}

Used to fetch MasterLists

GET api/MasterLists/Lens/{MasterList}/{Filter}

This method is used to fetch the Lens MasterList.

GET api/MasterLists/Lens/{MasterList}

This method is used to fetch the Lens MasterList.

GET api/MasterLists/SearchLocation

This method is used to fetch the Lens MasterList.

GET api/MasterLists/SearchLocation/{Filter}

This method is used to fetch the Lens MasterList.

GET api/MasterLists/SearchLocationCSV

This method is used to fetch the SearchLocationCSV List in the form of Country,State,Suburb,PostCode.

GET api/MasterLists/SearchLocationCSV/{Filter}

This method is used to fetch the SearchLocationCSV List in the form of Country,State,Suburb,PostCode with Filter.

GET api/MasterLists/SearchOrganization

This method is used to fetch the SearchOrganization.

GET api/MasterLists/SearchSalary

This method is used to fetch the SearchSalary.

GET api/MasterLists/SearchYearsOfExp

This method is used to fetch the SearchYearsOfExp.

GET api/MasterLists/Personalities

This method is used to fetch the MFront Personalities.

POST api/MasterLists/Personalities

This method is used to fetch the MFront Personalities.

GET api/MasterLists/SearchOrganization/{Filter}

This method is used to fetch the SearchOrganization with Filter.

GET api/MasterLists/LensDistribution

This method is used to fetch the LensDistribution.

GET api/Products/AllowanceTypes

No documentation available.

GET api/Products/ExpenseTypes

Use to fetch Mfront MasterLists

GET api/MasterLists/GetMasterLists/{listType}

Get Mfront MasterList

GET api/MasterLists/GetBrandOffice

Get Branch Office data

GET api/MasterLists/GetAllLocations

Get All locations

GET api/MasterLists/GetAllSpecialism/{jobTitle}

Get all specialisms

GET api/MasterLists/GetAllJobTitle/{specialism}

Get all job titles


PUT api/envelope/{EnvelopeID}/notify

Used to notify the envelope status update

GET api/envelope/{EnvelopeID}/additional?SourceReference={SourceReference}&SourceSystem={SourceSystem}

Used to get additional details of envelope


GET api/Questionnaire/Template/{TemplateID}

Used to fetch a Questionnaire template

GET api/Questionnaire/{QuestionnaireID}

Used to fetch a Questionnaire

PUT api/Questionnaire

Used to save a Questionnaire


GET api/Report/TimesheetDetails?templateId={templateId}&fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}

Used to fetch the report by timesheet template, and range of date

GET api/Report/InvoiceDetails?templateId={templateId}&fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}

Used to fetch the report by invoice template, and range of date


GET api/Client/{clientcode}/Settings

Get Client settings for client code

PUT api/Client/{clientcode}/Settings


GET api/Entitlement/Balances

Used to fetch login user leave dashboard balance

GET api/Entitlement

Used to fetch the list of Leaves for a logged in user

GET api/Entitlement/Types

Get entitlement types list by user login.

POST api/Entitlement

Create entitlement/leave application

GET api/Entitlement/{id}

Gets the leave details for a single Leave, no image data returned with this call

PUT api/Entitlement/Status

Approve/Reject by approver for a Leave application Useing Same function as use by timesheet

GET api/Entitlement/BalanceByEntitlementType?entitlementTypeName={entitlementTypeName}&leaveStartDate={leaveStartDate}&leaveEndDate={leaveEndDate}

Get balance by entitlement type name.

GET api/Entitlement/{timesheetId}/Attachment/{attachmentId}

return url for attachment

GET api/Entitlement/PublicHolidays

Get public holidays list by user login.

PUT api/Entitlement/{id}/Status?Status={Status}

Update Leave Application Status (use same function in Timesheet)

GET api/Entitlement/AppliedLeavesDetails?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}&bookingNo={bookingNo}

Get applied leaves list with details by fromDate, todDate and bookingNo.

GET api/Entitlement/AccrualHistoryByEntitlementType?entitlementTypeName={entitlementTypeName}

Get accrual history details by entitlement type name.


GET api/ScreenConfig/Client/{clientcode}?showsystem={showsystem}&paycycle={paycycle}

Get Templates for client by clientcode

GET api/ScreenConfig/Default/{clientcode}

Temporary API for returning default template list

GET api/ScreenConfig/Client/{clientcode}/Templates

Get Templates for client including default templates

GET api/ScreenConfig/Template/{entityType}/{id}

Get Screen Config Template by Id

GET api/ScreenConfig/Template/{entityType}/list?clientcode={clientcode}&incldefault={incldefault}

Get Templates by Entity and clientcode(optional)

POST api/ScreenConfig/Template

Add a new Screen Config Template

DELETE api/ScreenConfig/Template/{entityType}/{id}

Delete Tempalte by Id

PUT api/ScreenConfig/Template/{entityType}/{id}/{isUpdateChildClients}

Update Template by Id

GET api/ScreenConfig/Product

Get Products for client

GET api/ScreenConfig/DashboardTemplate/{clientCode}

Get dashboard for client for internal user

GET api/ScreenConfig/DashboardTemplate

Get dashboard for Master Template by internal user

GET api/ScreenConfig/dashboard

Get login user Templates default have 20 minutes cache


GET api/PaySummaries

Used to fetch the list of annual payslip summary for a logged in user

GET api/PaySummaries/{documentNumber}

Used to get a PaySummary document in PDF


GET api/Consultant/Personality

Used to fetch a consultant personalities

GET api/Consultant/Personality/Candidates?name={name}&email={email}&deactivated={deactivated}

Used to fetch a consultant personalities candidates

GET api/Consultant/Personality/TaxDocuments?consultantName={consultantName}&candidateName={candidateName}&sentFromDate={sentFromDate}&sentToDate={sentToDate}

Used to fetch a consultant Tax documents

GET api/Consultant/Personality/Questionnaire/{TemplateType}

Used to fetch a consultant Questionnaire list

GET api/Consultant/Personality/EmailTemplates

Used to fetch a consultant email template list

GET api/Consultant/Personality/EmailTemplates/{TemplateID}

Used to fetch a consultant email template

GET api/Consultant/GoogleValidation

Used to fetch a consultant google token

POST api/Consultant/GoogleValidation

Used to update a consultant google token

GET api/Consultant/EmailSignature

Used to get then consultant signature


GET api/Payslips

Used to fetch the list of payslips for a logged in user

GET api/Payslips/{id}

Used to get a PaySlip Image in PDF

GET api/documents/count?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get pay transaction count within Date range


GET api/Reports/Clients

Used to fetch Dashboard data for Employee count

GET api/Reports/ClientEmployeeCount

Used to fetch Dashboard data for Employee count

GET api/Reports/ClientBilledHours

Used to fetch Dashboard data for Billed Hours

GET api/Reports/ClientInvoiceCount

Used to fetch Dashboard data for Invoice count

GET api/Reports/ClientVacancyCount

Used to fetch Dashboad data for Vacancy count

GET api/Reports/CurrentEmployees

Used to get Dashboard data for Current employees

GET api/Reports/WeeklyEmployeeCount

Used to get Dashboard data for Current 5 weeks employees count

GET api/Reports/CurrentEmployeesByJobCatergory

Used to get Dashboard data for Current employees by Job category

GET api/Reports/MonthlySpendByArea?serviceType={serviceType}

Used to get Dashboard data for Monthly SpendBy Area

GET api/Reports/MonthlySpendOnOvertime

Used to get Dashboard data for Monthly SpendBy Over Time

GET api/Reports/CurrentYearSpendOnOvertime

Used to get Dashboard data for Current Year Spend On Overtime

GET api/Reports/YTDSpendByArea

Used to get Dashboard data for YTD Spend By Area

GET api/Reports/TurnoverPerMonth

Used to get Dashboard data for Turnover Per Month

GET api/Reports/ClientEmployeeCountRollingFiveWeeksDetails

Used to get Dashboard data for client Employee Count Details Result

GET api/Reports/CurrentMonthSpend?serviceType={serviceType}

Used to get Dashboard data for current Month Spend Details Result

GET api/Reports/CurrentYearSpendPerPercent

Used to get Dashboard data for current Month Spend Per Percent Details Result

GET api/Reports/ClientEmployeeCountDetails

Used to get Dashboard data for current Month Spend Per Percent Details Result

GET api/Reports/CurrentYearEmployeeTurnover

Used to get Dashboard data for current year employee turnover

GET api/Reports/AnnualSpentByProduct

Used to get Dashboard data for current year annual spent by product

GET api/Reports/NewStaffCountByMonth

Used to get Dashboard data for current new staff count by month

GET api/Reports/NewStaffByMonthDetails

Used to get Dashboard data for new staff by month details

GET api/Reports/GenderDiversity

No documentation available.

GET api/Reports/BookingDaysLeft

Used to get Dashboard data for upcoming booking ending ( Booking Days Left) Results

GET api/Reports/PermSpendPerMonth

Used to get Dashboard data for Perm Spend Per Month Results

GET api/Reports/CandidateAgeDiversity

Used to get Dashboard data for Candidate Age Diversity Results

GET api/Reports/DaysToFillTempVacancies

Used to get Dashboard data for Days To Fill Temp Vacancies Results

GET api/Reports/DaysToFillTempVacanciesSummary

Used to get Dashboard data for Days To Fill Temp Vacancies Summary Results

GET api/Reports/TenureAtClientForCandidate

Used to get Dashboard data for Days To Tenure At Client For Candidate Results

GET api/Reports/GetCandidatessEthnicityDiversity

Used to get Dashboard data for ethnicity diversity monthly summary data for export

GET api/Reports/SupplierActivityForLastMonth

Used to get Dashboard data for supplier activity monthly summary data

GET api/Reports/SupplierActivityByYear

Used to get Dashboard data for supplier activity yearly summary data


GET api/UserProfile

Used to fetch the user profile for a logged in user

PUT api/NotificationPreferences

Used to fetch the notification prefernces of a user

PUT api/ConsolidatePreferences

Used to enable/disable consolidated preferences for a user

PUT api/SocialMedia

Used to update social media settings of a user


PUT api/EntitlementExternal/{authCode}/Approval

Gets the Leave details for a single timesheet by external user

GET api/EntitlementExternal/{authCode}

Gets the Leave details for a single timesheet by external user

GET api/EntitlementExternal/{authCode}/Attachment/{attachmentId}

return url for attachment by external user

PUT api/EntitlementExternal/{authCode}/Status?status={status}

update Leave Application & Cancellation Status by Auth Code (use same function in Timesheet)


POST api/PreferenceCenter/GetPreferences

Use to fetch Preferences data

PUT api/PreferenceCenter/UpdatePreferences

Use to update candidate Preferences data


POST api/Document/DocumentExternal

POST api/Document/UploadDocument

upload document as base64 string

GET api/Document/{DocumentId}/Url

Gets document Image


GET api/Availability/{email}?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}

Used to fetch availability for a requested candidate email ID

PUT api/Availability

Used to set availability for a logged in user

GET api/Availability?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}

POST api/Availability

DELETE api/Availability